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Tracking & Recording Working Time

Tracking & Recording Working Time

Contact Us: 01908 265111

Time and Attendance

Time and attendance (T&A) is the tracking and planning of employee working hours. This type of functionality is typically provided by an HRM system.

It is possible to manage time and attendance using paper-based forms such as sign in sheets and manual calculations. More typically this data capture is captured by clocking terminals that feed information back to a central system.

Time and attendance system track when an employee is expected to work through planning a roster. Using this information in conjunction with data capture from clocking terminals they are able to record and notify users when an employee fails to arrive or is late. In a similar way they can track and record when an employee leaves early or works overtime.

This type of system is also able to manage employee benefits such as time of in lieu and flexitime. Using adjustments, it is also possible for these systems to administer overtime working rules and generate the necessary data for payroll processing.

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